Manufacturer & Exporters of Laboratory Testing Instruments

Manufacturer & Exporters of Laboratory Testing Instruments




Most suitable for conducting various experiments on a variety of seeds under different conditions of temperature and humidity. Atmospheric conditions are created within the chamber. Double walled unit Inner chamber made of Stainless Steel and outer chamber of M.S. sheet duly painted & controlled by Digital Temperature controller-cum-Humidity Controller. Humidity is created in a S.S. water reservoir fitted at the bottom to provide RH Humidity Supplied complete with 12-14 adjustable wiremesh trays with Exterior lighting arrangement on both sides.

Optional :

  1. Automatic Cyclic Timer (0-24 hours)
  2. Dual Setting Digital Temperature Controller for setting two different temperatures for day and night.
  3. Automatic Voltage Stabilizer 3 KVA.
  4. Microprocessor Based Touch Screen Display System
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