Manufacturer & Exporters of Laboratory Testing Instruments

Manufacturer & Exporters of Laboratory Testing Instruments



Condenser Temp. (-) 70 °C or better (at ambient temp. of 20 0C) PUF INSULATED, CFC Free Compressor, Drying Manifold (S.S 304) ½” and ¾”. Direct Drive Vacuum Pump 100Ltrs Minimum capacity, continuous display Temp. Indicator (LED Display), Digital Type Pirani Gauge, Housed in a Super Structure frame with wheel based.
Model No. Capacity
OT-FD-132-A 3 Ltrs With 6 port standard
OT-FD-132-B 5 Ltrs With 12 port standard

1. Digital Vacuum Indicator
2. Microprocessor based LCD display system for vacuum and temperature

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